Monday, December 31, 2012

VISION - December 2012

Dear VISION members,

            Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year.

From this month, we started eye donation awareness activity. Printed new year pocket calendars with Eye Donation message and planning to distribute them in offices along with LV Prasad Eye Bank pledge forms. Planning to print new wall posts and stick them in colleges, hospitals, shops, etc. Please visit the below link for the blankets distribution and calendar photos.

Blankets Distribution & Eye Donation Awareness Calendar

For this month, We have received Rs. 35,748/- as total contribution towards VISION. So in total, we had Rs.93, 928/- including previous month balance Rs. 58,180/-. From this money, we have contributed for the below requirements.

1)  Paid Rs.3,000/- as college fees for Mumtaj, studying Degree 2nd year. Her parents works for daily wages.

2) Paid Rs.3,000/- as college fees for Shaheen, studying Degree 2nd year. Her father works in a tea hotel for daily wages.

3) Paid Rs.1,000/- as college fees for Mustak, studying Inter 2nd year. Her father was expired and his mother works in a general stores for monthly wages.

4) Paid Rs.1,000/- as school fees for Nagamani, studying 2nd class. Her parents cooks food items in home and sell on roads.

5) Paid Rs.1,000/- as school fees for Mali Basha, studying 1st class. His father works for daily wages in constructions.

6) Paid Rs.2,000/- as college fees for Pavan, studying B.Tech 1st year ECE. His parents are no more to take care of him. He is with his grand mother.  This contribution was done in September along with others given money.

7) With Rs. 1,215/- , distributed blankest to old people who sleep on roads. We started distributing at night 11 PM and ended at around 3 AM.

8) With Rs.1,200/- , printed new year pocket calendars 2013 with EYE DONATION AWARENESS and distributing them in offices along with pledge forms. We linked up with LV Prasad Eye Bank for this activity.

9) With Rs.100/- , given night dress for a mentally retarded woman.

So in total we have contributed Rs. 13,515/- towards above noble causes and we are having Rs. 80,413 /- as balance in VISION.  

Please find the below links for the related documents.  

Mumtaj Fees Receipt

Shaheen Fees Receipt

Mustak Fees Receipt

Nagamani Fees Receipt

Mali Basha Fees Receipt

Pavan Fees Receipt

Blankets Bill

Eye Donation Awareness Calendar Bill

Night dress bill

Contribution Details

Next Month Activities

1) We are paying fees in instalments based on their marks. So yet to pay balance fees for Mumtaj, Shaheen, Nagamani and Mali Basha. Hope you all remember, Nagamani and Mali Basha started their education again with the the help of VISION.

2) Fees for Ansar, studying Inter 2nd year

3) Fees for  Fayaz, studying 2nd class.

4) Fees for Malik Basha, studying 7th class.

5) Eye donation wall posts and camp.

6) Night dress for Mentally Retarded woman.

7) Planning to print few more pocket calendars with Eye Donation Message

8) Fees for Anusha, Studying Inter 2nd year. Her father expired and her mother works in a general store for monthly wages.

9) Got requirement from a government school for 250 steel plates for students Mid Day Meals Program.

Please share your comments if any.

Friends, We have created a page in FaceBook for our TEAM VISION. Please like this page  for getting frequent updates and more information.

FaceBook Page Link

Friends, we have chance to help others. If you find anyone in your surroundings or in your home town who is poor and in need of money for their education or for their livelihood, please feel free to send a mail ( to us, so that we can try doing the needful to them.

For members who has given VISION contributions to Girish - As he has undergone a minor surgery, we are yet to get donor details from Girish. We will add these details along with money contributions in the next month VISION mail. 

Thank You All.

"Donate Eyes - Live Twice"

“The world as we have created it is a process of our

 thinking. It cannot be changed without changing 

our thinking.” 

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